I'm going to try answering the questions for myself before reading your answers, Alex, and then compare!

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I agree with every word. AND... can you translate these ideas into practices an individual can implement? Having done that, can you shorten the practices to 200 words or less?

My attempt:

Humans are a race of Demi-gods, currently at a point in history where they are granted the tools of the gods.

A mature, healthy Demi-god discards the disempowering stories of the previous centuries, recognizing our abundant resources and pluripotentcy. Continue to grow into the role and the reality in which every being, animal, tree and sprout is treated as a righteous expression of The All-in-One.

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I strongly agree that practices that an individual can implement or try are recommended. This will give the general population guidance and may well reduce apathy.

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Although I agree that much of Jordan Peterson's message and reach have had value to a great many people, he is absolutely the wrong leader for any further movement. What I disrespect about him most is his weird twisting and smearing of Marxist theory, when in fact Marx (if you actually read his work) provided models that could have prevented the income inequality and slaying of the working class that Peterson often rails against. Marx had absolutely NOTHING to do with wokeism, critical race theory, culture wars, or the violent, suppressive actions of Soviet leaders. Marx would have advocated for worker co-ops, or obligating large corporations to make their employees shareholders, or legislating stock market speculators to invest excess unearned wealth back into their communities. But of course, Peterson would have none of this, because it's "socialism." And if one wants to debate those ideas, that's fine, but if you're going to say it would all lead to "Marxism running amok, and next thing you know, we're gonna be lined up and shot in Central Park," well ... Sorry, I can't find that person credible at all.

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Do the labels and affiliations matter? Part of the point of my post was to go back to a much simpler, more direct way of looking at things rather than focusing on the 'right' leaders/affiliations/schools of thought. Just focusing on questions and trying to think openly, in a future-focused way.

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Although public debate on the larger questions outlined here is essential, a straightforward and clear list and explanation of practices that an individual can undertake in the here and now would be most helpful. This might engender more interest and reduce apathy amongst the general public.

Answering the 6 questions will take time!

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I believe that western "civilisation" is in decline, and agree that continuing economical growth with finite resources is not sustainable. As far as I know, the concept of economical growth is driven primarily by the banks. This isn't going to change anytime soon.

Public apathy may be alleviated by the production of a leaflet or booklet suggesting what steps individual people can do. This would give people something clear to work on and maybe reduce apathy.

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