I've done the survey, with the help of https://saveourrights.uk/take-action/digital-id-consultation/

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This post is late as I only subscribed to Alex's substack recently. I do feel that the World Economic Forum do want to govern (!!!???) the world and have full dominion over all people. This may or may not be the "cabal" that some people refer to. It seems quite possible that the WEF and their cronies will own practically everything, and the general population will have to rent everything.

“You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.” Klaus Schwab of the WEF.

For some time I've been on a journey of trying to find things I can actually do in my daily life to resist the destruction of my individual sovereignty and privacy. I don't use smart technology and don't use social media. Also I practice rigorous control of my email inbox and have learnt how to protect my PC and apps from malware, junkware and tracking to a fair degree. This saves time in the long run, and having fewer emails means that email scams are easier to spot. It's taken some work, but also saves time on a daily basis, whilst enhancing security as a spinoff from privacy measures.

It's possible that in the not too distant future the vast majority of routine transactions will only be possible using smartphones. As with card readers, the recipient of the "money" will most likely be charged for the service. Another way of leaching money from people and controlling them at the same time.

"Humans are now hackable animals" Yuval Harari of the WEF.

It could be said that the WEF are predicting the future of the general world population. Hopefully the two quotes given in this post reflect their attitude.

With regard to mRNA vaccines, I don't trust them for "routine illnesses" such as a mild Covid variant. It's becoming common knowledge that mRNA vaccines can cause heart trouble. If I had a lethal cancer, and an mRNA treatment was available, I would accept it on the grounds that the risk would be acceptable. There has been so much secrecy and censoring around these vaccines, coupled with yarns from Western governments that I no longer trust the Government, their appointees or the NHS on medical matters. Regulatory bodies throughout the world also can't be trusted because the vast bulk of their funding comes from Big Pharma.

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It's significant that there's so little comment on this post. People prefer to overlook the dangers of rush into digitalisation and tend to buy into the arguments (often promoted by those with vested interests) that it brings 'convenience' and is anyway 'inevitable'. But data is the new currency - it's no surprise that governments, financial institutions and trans-national bodies with corporate connections are working as fast as they can to bring about a world in which everything significant is done online and therefore subject to control by them. (See the EU currently working with the WHO on vaccine certification, for example.) This is quite apparent no matter what you think might be going on behind the scenes. And although the technology might be new, it's an extension of what's happened before in history - there's always an unscrupulous minority who will take advantage of ordinary people, if we let them. If Westerners genuinely believe in self-governance, it's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Alex Klaushofer

The term "surveillance capitalism" has been coined to describe the unrestricted sale of personal data mined from the use of technology, smart devices in particular.

I've tried to bring up the subject of privacy and smartphones in conversation, and found the topic to be a real conversation stopper. Also, on commenting about privacy to people who have Alexa normally results in very defensive behaviour. In fact all I'm probably doing is building resistance to the idea of the value of privacy, and not helping. So, I keep quiet on the subject with the sheeple. They can be feisty in some ways, but amazingly naive and passive when it comes to technology, or the introduction of repressive laws for that matter. In fact, I wonder whether the general population and its apathy is more cause for concern than the Government!

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